SL12-S 1x Short • Big Game, Wide Gap

barb eye Design features key

Design Features

BarbBarb BarblessBarbless Barbs on ShankBarb on Shank Circle HookCircle Hook Extra Wide GapEWG - Extra Wide Gap EyeEye ForgedForged Hole EyeHole Eye Magic EyeMagic Eye Off-set PointOff-set Point Open EyeOpen Eye Titanium WeedguardTitanium Weedguard Welded EyeWelded Eye Wire KeeperWire Keeper SuperlineSuperline Finesse SeriesFinesse Series Tournament LegalTournament Legal

The SL12-S has been one of ’s most popular hooks for tying tarpon, billfish and other big game flies. The new 1xShort version broadens the appeal by increasing the wire size for additional strength and shortening the shank length to accommodate smaller patterns that have become the rage in recent years. The SL12-S features a straight eye and is made from 1x heavy wire that’s ideal for use with most trophy-class, saltwater species. Make no mistake about it, this is a multi-use, multi-species fly hook that will surely find its way into hundreds of fisheries and millions of fly boxes.

Fly Hook Comparison Chart

Fly Hook Comparison Chart

General Use Mustad Tiemco Daiichi Dai-Riki
Standard Down Eye S10 94840 5210 1170 300
Standard Down Eye Barbless S10B 94845 900BL 1190
1x Fine S10-3F 98433 5230 1100
Straight Eye Dry S10S 94859 101 1110 310
Midge 1x Fine S13S-M 94859 501 1480
Stinger 1x Strong Forged B10S 37187 2720
Glo Bug C14S 9479 105 1510
Salmon Steelhead 3x Strong L11S-3H 3406 800 2451
Streamer 4x Long 2x Strong S11-4L2H 79580 9395 2220 700
Streamer 4x Long 2x Strong S S11S-4L2H 9674 9395 2220
Multi-use 1x Fine S12S-1F 3366 1640
Multi-use 3x Strong S14S-3H 3406 800 2451
Scud C12 80250 2487 1130
Caddis C12U 37160 205BL 1140
Scud, Barbless C12-B 2487B
Salmon Steelhead Dry 1x Fine T10-3H 90240 7989 2421
Salmon Steelhead Wet T10-6H 36890 7999 2161 899
Russian River Fly Russian River 36717
Standard Saltwater SS15 34007 811S 2546 930

would like to state that this is only a comparison chart. Although our hooks would not be direct replacements, they would be an exceptional choice for your favorite fly patterns.

Starting at $8.08

View Selections

All Pricing and Product for U.S. market only

Available sizes & colors

SKU Color Size Qty/Pack UPC Price Add Qty. Add to Cart
69407-15 NS Black61508972610917 $8.08
69407-100 NS Black610008972610930 $48.48
69408-12 NS Black41208972610918 $8.08
69408-100 NS Black410008972610931 $60.92
69409-12 NS Black21208972610919 $8.08
69409-100 NS Black210008972610932 $60.92
69410-12 NS Black11208972610920 $8.08
69410-100 NS Black110008972610933 $60.92
69411-12 NS Black1/01208972610921 $8.08
69411-100 NS Black1/010008972610934 $60.92
69412-10 NS Black2/01008972610922 $8.08
69412-100 NS Black2/010008972610935 $73.04
69413-8 NS Black3/0808972610923 $8.08
69413-100 NS Black3/010008972610936 $90.90
69414-7 NS Black4/0708972610924 $8.08
69414-100 NS Black4/010008972610937 $104.34

All Pricing and Product for U.S. market only

The SL12-S has been one of ’s most popular hooks for tying tarpon, billfish and other big game flies. The new 1xShort version broadens the appeal by increasing the wire size for additional strength and shortening the shank length to accommodate smaller patterns that have become the rage in recent years. The SL12-S features a straight eye and is made from 1x heavy wire that’s ideal for use with most trophy-class, saltwater species. Make no mistake about it, this is a multi-use, multi-species fly hook that will surely find its way into hundreds of fisheries and millions of fly boxes.


NS Black


1, 1/0, 2, 2/0, 3/0, 4, 4/0, 6


10, 100, 12, 15, 7, 8

UPC Code

08972610917, 08972610918, 08972610919, 08972610920, 08972610921, 08972610922, 08972610923, 08972610924, 08972610930, 08972610931, 08972610932, 08972610933, 08972610934, 08972610935, 08972610936, 08972610937

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